Fourgon aménagé de Javier

3 places

3 places
de couchage

Permis B

Voyage à l'étranger

Animaux à bord

À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Propriétaire du véhicule

  • Carte grise vérifiée
I rent my precious Panda! This Camper-car caravan is handmade in natural wood, robust and durable like no other. It's like being in the cabin of a ship, but navigating on land! In it you will find all the comforts for your trip. Living room for four people, large fixed bed, with memory foam mattress, second convertible bed, kitchen with two large stoves and lots of work space, I am a chef and it was very important to me. I also offer a kit to make paella outside. Trivalent fridge with freezer, dry toilet, potty bath, outdoor shower and indoor possibility. 12V electricity with inverter for 220. (Normal Switch) USB sockets. It is super well insulated and prepared to be comfortable. Lots of closets, plenty of storage. There is also a Big space under the bed until the cabin of the van if you want to fit large items. This space is set up as a pet lounge, I have artificial grass on and fixings to be able to tie them up during the trip, and good ventilation for them. It also has a camouflage side, in which you don't see any camperization and allows you to park anywhere without being detected as a motorhome. The engine is new and consumes exceptionally little, average consumption of 7.7 l/100. I offer delivery and collection service at the airport. If you choose the premium insurance with a €500 franchise, you will have a welcome surprise ;⁠)

Inclus dans la location avec Yescapa

  • Assurance multirisques pour le véhicule et ses occupants
  • Assistance routière 24h/24 7j/7
  • Paiement sécurisé
  • Garantie au départ


Couchage 1
Lit banquette90x200 cm
Couchage 2
Lit transversal135x195 cm


  • WC
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Nécessaire de ménage
  • Cafetière
  • Direction assistée
  • Fermeture centralisée
  • Camera de recul
  • Autoradio

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Modèle : Nomad-Addict Jumper 2,2 l 120ch
  • Mise en circulation : 2006
  • PTAC : 3 500 kg
  • Hauteur : 2,52 m

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Caution (gérée en direct par le propriétaire) : 990 €
  • Mode(s) de règlement de la caution : espèces, virement
  • Dépassement kilométrique : 0.25 € par km supplémentaire
  • Voyage à l'étranger : Sur demande
  • Animaux à bord : Autorisé
  • Véhicule fumeur : Autorisé

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.

Propriétaire du véhicule

  • Identité vérifiée
  • Javier
  • Membre depuis mars 2023
  • Taux de réponse : 100%
  • Langues parlées : Espagnol, Anglais, Français, Catalan, Italien, Portugais
  • Locations effectuées : 10

Les avis des locataires

Lieu de prise en charge

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.


À propos de ce fourgon aménagé



Propriétaire du véhicule

I rent my precious Panda! This Camper-car caravan is handmade in natural wood, robust and durable like no other. It's like being in the cabin of a ship, but navigating on land! In it you will find all the comforts for your trip. Living room for four people, large fixed bed, with memory foam mattress, second convertible bed, kitchen with two large stoves and lots of work space, I am a chef and it was very important to me. I also offer a kit to make paella outside. Trivalent fridge with freezer, dry toilet, potty bath, outdoor shower and indoor possibility. 12V electricity with inverter for 220. (Normal Switch) USB sockets. It is super well insulated and prepared to be comfortable. Lots of closets, plenty of storage. There is also a Big space under the bed until the cabin of the van if you want to fit large items. This space is set up as a pet lounge, I have artificial grass on and fixings to be able to tie them up during the trip, and good ventilation for them. It also has a camouflage side, in which you don't see any camperization and allows you to park anywhere without being detected as a motorhome. The engine is new and consumes exceptionally little, average consumption of 7.7 l/100. I offer delivery and collection service at the airport. If you choose the premium insurance with a €500 franchise, you will have a welcome surprise ;⁠)

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