
3 places

2 places
de couchage

Permis B

Animaux à bord

À propos de ce van



Loueur professionnel

  • Carte grise vérifiée


The Pistachio is a camper van, very spacious and comfortable for 2 adults and a child. It is ideal for a couple. You have solar screens, batteries that are recharged with the car on or with the same screens. It has two water tanks with more than 100 liters, a thermos tank for hot water, kitchen with oven. It has no air conditioning or heating.

The van when you enter you find a shower made with a unique design that is to see the scenery while you shower, has hot water. We also have an external shower in case it is not comfortable for you. It has a WC.

Then the kitchen area is very equipped with all utensils and is very comfortable for those who love to cook as it has 1 oven with 2 gas burners. The sink has hot water. Then we have an unusual refrigerator in vans, which is very large so you can store all the food you want for your trip.

In the back of the van there is a double bed and a TV set with air channels or you can bring your own cable and connect it to your computer.

The rental price includes sheets, comforters and 1 set of towels per person. So you can travel light. Don't forget to bring your towel for the beach.

Inclus dans la location

  • Assurance pour le véhicule et ses occupants
  • Assistance routière
  • Paiement sécurisé
  • Garantie au départ


Couchage 1
Lit transversal140x186 cm


  • Douche intérieure
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Nécessaire de ménage
  • Consommables
  • Cafetière
  • Direction assistée
  • Autoradio
  • Bluetooth

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Modèle : Iveco Daily 2,3 HPI 116 ch.
  • Mise en circulation : 2006
  • PTAC : 3 500 kg
  • Hauteur : 2,7 m

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Caution (gérée en direct par le propriétaire) : 500 €
  • Mode(s) de règlement de la caution : espèces, virement
  • Dépassement kilométrique : Gratuit
  • Voyage à l'étranger : Non autorisé
  • Animaux à bord : Autorisé
  • Véhicule fumeur : Sur demande

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.

Jours d'ouverture

  • Ouvert du lundi au dimanche
  • Ouvert pendant les jours fériés

Propriétaire du véhicule

  • Best owner
  • hadaly
  • Membre depuis mars 2022
  • Taux de réponse : 99%
  • Langues parlées : Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Portugais
  • Locations effectuées : plus de 10

Les avis des locataires

Lieu de prise en charge

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.


À propos de ce van



Propriétaire du véhicule


The Pistachio is a camper van, very spacious and comfortable for 2 adults and a child. It is ideal for a couple. You have solar screens, batteries that are recharged with the car on or with the same screens. It has two water tanks with more than 100 liters, a thermos tank for hot water, kitchen with oven. It has no air conditioning or heating.

The van when you enter you find a shower made with a unique design that is to see the scenery while you shower, has hot water. We also have an external shower in case it is not comfortable for you. It has a WC.

Then the kitchen area is very equipped with all utensils and is very comfortable for those who love to cook as it has 1 oven with 2 gas burners. The sink has hot water. Then we have an unusual refrigerator in vans, which is very large so you can store all the food you want for your trip.

In the back of the van there is a double bed and a TV set with air channels or you can bring your own cable and connect it to your computer.

The rental price includes sheets, comforters and 1 set of towels per person. So you can travel light. Don't forget to bring your towel for the beach.

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