Fourgon aménagé
4 voyageurs
NouveauBest Owner
À partir de
115 €
5 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité
3 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 3 personnes
Permis BVotre permis voiture suffit pour conduire ce véhicule de moins de 3500 kg
Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins
Voyages à l'étranger non autorisésLe propriétaire n'autorise pas son véhicule à sortir du pays
Animaux non autorisésVos animaux de compagnie ne pourront pas faire partie de ce voyage
Demande de location gratuite et sans engagement !
Assurance incluse ou Protection renforcée, à vous de choisir !
Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute
Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute
Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement
This van sleeps 3 people and includes 5 belted seats. We gave it the name 'Sofia'. It is from the year 2000, however it is in good mechanical condition, due to the numerous material replacements made by us. The kitchen is equipped with a 60L fridge (including freezer), a sink, a two-burner stove and space for preparing food. In addition, it has a lot of storage space. We provide kitchen towels, cleaning cloths, a dishware and cutlery kit.
The van can be used in 2 different configurations: living/dining room or bedroom; changing from one to the other takes no more than 5 minutes. The van has a table that can be use on the inside and outside of the van. Underneath the sofa/bed are several drawers, two of which are huge. We have also provided sheets and blankets, pillows, and bath towels. The seats are comfortable and spacious and you can take advantage of numerous plugs (220V) and USB ports throughout the van to charge your mobile devices. These plugs are powered by 2 solar panels totaling 200W and charge two additional batteries, in addition to the car's original battery. Under the van, there are two water tanks: one for clean water (70L) and another for wastewater (50L). It should be noted that all the materials needed for day-to-day use in the van will be available, such as cutlery, plates, pans, sheets, pillows, sheets, dish sponge and dish soap. In addition, we provide olive oil and salt.
Additional services:
Transportation from the airport to the delivery location and vice versa.
Follow us on instagram @adventureonwheelsmadeira!
Safe travels :)
Lit dinette
120x190 cmLit dinette
60x190 cmLes modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.
L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.
O meu nome é Carlos Henriques. Vivo na ilha da Madeira e sou da opinião que toda a gente merece explorar este paraíso no meio do Atlântico. A melhor maneira para fazê-lo, na minha opinião, é numa caravana. Remodelei uma carrinha VW T4 com a ajuda das minhas filhas e mulher em 2020. Esta carrinha tem todas as condições necessárias para umas excelentes férias na ilha. Boas férias! Siga-nos no instagram: @adventureonwheelsmadeira My name is Carlos Henriques. I live in Madeira Island and I believe that everyone deserves to explore this paradise in the middle of the Atlantic. The best way to do it, in my opinion, is in a camper van. I refurbished a VW T4 van with the help of my daughters and wife in 2020. This van has all the necessary conditions for an excellent holiday on the island. Good vacation! Give us a follow on instagram: @adventureonwheelsmadeira
À partir de 80 €/jour