Camping-car Profilé
2 voyageurs
À partir de
89 €
6 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité
7 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 7 personnes
Permis CCe véhicule de plus de 3500 kg nécessite un permis poids lourds
Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins
Voyages à l'étranger autorisésLe propriétaire autorise son véhicule à circuler dans plusieurs pays
Animaux bienvenus à bordVos animaux de compagnie pourront faire partie du voyage !
Demande de location gratuite et sans engagement !
Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute
Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement
Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute
„Ahorn Canada AS“ (Chassis: Renault Master)
(NAVI, SAT, TV, solar, suitable for winter, awning).
Large motorhome with plenty of storage space.
6 seats & 7 sleeping places.
2x ISOFIX available.
Loaded with air suspension for 4 tonnes
(for motorhomes up to 7.5 tonnes you need a class 3 driving licence from before 1999 or class C1).
Kitchen utensils & crockery for 8 people.
(Outdoor) camping furniture for 8 people.
Bicycle rack for 4 bicycles.
Service gas bottle 2x 11kg (the first filling is included in the price).
Pets are allowed: Dogs yes / cats no.
Time for collection and return:
To be arranged individually. Please let me know at least 24 hours in advance by WhatsApp, Signal or SMS at what time suits you best.
- Mon.-Sun.: between 08:00 and 17:00 (summer time in Germany);
- Mon.-Sun.: between 09:00 and 15:00 (winter time in Germany).
(We need approx. 1 - 1 1/2 hours for the vehicle handover and briefing. If you would like a test drive, please let me know 1 week in advance. This would take about 1/2 hour).
SHORT-TERM RENTAL possible from 3 days for other conditions. (If desired, please contact me.)
If desired (for an extra charge):
(a) I will bring the campervan directly to your front door and collect it from there.
b) I can provide bed linen & bedding for up to 6 people.
c) Can you book a sea kayak for 2 people incl. self-inflating life jackets, splash guards and carbon paddles.
d) You can also hire a tipi made of impregnated cotton for 6 people including mattresses.
Dear motorhome enthusiasts,
If you have any questions/suggestions/wishes, please contact me at any time.
I answer during the week either very early in the morning or in the evening, at the weekend all day.
Best regards, Vanessa
About winter camping:
The motorhome is equipped and successfully tested for winter camping. :)
For additional insulation of the interior floor, I will provide you with Tretford carpet tiles free of charge. If not desired, I recommend that at least female passengers bring slippers.
In addition, I offer you a large wooden sledge for tobogganing and 2x snowshoes incl. poles free of charge for the duration of the hire.
When visiting/travelling in snowy areas, snow chains are mandatory (these can also be rented for an additional charge).
Dear motorhome enthusiasts,
Please note the following additional important points:
1) Smoking in the motorhome is expressly prohibited.
2) Taking the motorhome to festivals, especially on unpaved roads, is expressly prohibited. (Camping sites and caravan parks and their access roads are excluded).
3) Participation in motorsport events, vehicle tests and training sessions is expressly prohibited.
4) The transport of highly flammable, toxic or otherwise hazardous substances is expressly prohibited (for your safety).
5) Entering the roof is expressly prohibited. (This would lead to damage and leakage of the GRP roof).
6) Subletting is expressly prohibited.
7) The rented vehicle may be equipped with a GPS tracking system. (This is used to locate the campervan in the event of theft, which can be of great benefit to both you as the tenant and me as the landlord).
Kind regards, Vanessa
Lits superposés
98x220 cmLits superposés
98x220 cmLit dinette
80x188 cmLit dinette
125x188 cmLit capucine
145x220 cmLes modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.
L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.
Ich bin Mutter zweier jugendlichen Kinder und reise für mein Leben gerne zu Fuß, per Fahrrad, per Zug und Auto/WoMo. Ob auf dem Land oder Wasser (per Kajak), ich bin sehr gerne in der Natur. Dies sind die Orte, an denen ich am besten entspannen und meinen Energiehaushalt wieder auftanken kann. Ich Reise von Klein auf privat organisiert und schätze bei dieser Art des Reisens den Kontakt zu den Menschen vor Ort, die Flexibilität und die Unabhängigkeit. Ich bin sehr glücklich darüber, dass meine Eltern mir diese Art des Reisens mit auf dem Weg gegeben haben. Was mir noch fehlt: Die Berechtigung zum Fliegen. Ein Wunsch, den ich seit Kindertagen hege. Aus Kostengründen soll es irgendwann der Gleitschirm werden. Das ist zwar nicht 100% wie ein Vogel durch die Luft zu gleiten, kommt dem aber (hoffentlich) schon sehr nahe. Zu unserem Haushalt gehören noch ein Hund und zwei Katzen. Der Hund begleitet mich ständig. Die Katzen werden bei Reisen von meiner Mutter versorgt.
À partir de 110 €/jour