Camping-car intégral de Maria

4 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité

4 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 4 personnes

Permis BVotre permis voiture suffit pour conduire ce véhicule de moins de 3500 kg

Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins

Voyages à l'étranger non autorisésLe propriétaire n'autorise pas son véhicule à sortir du pays

Animaux non autorisésVos animaux de compagnie ne pourront pas faire partie de ce voyage

Inclus dans la location avec Yescapa

  • Assurance multirisques véhicule et passagers

    Assurance incluse ou Protection renforcée, à vous de choisir !

  • Garantie au départ

    Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute

  • Assistance routière 24h/24 7j/7

    Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute

  • Paiement sécurisé

    Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement

Maria vous présente son camping-car intégral

Hello, I'm BabeVan, a dream come true for my owners 😊

I’m a motorhome van with an incredible 180 degree panoramic. I‘m very easy to maneuver, I’m super comfortable, and I have everything necessary to give you wonderful moments. I'm excellent for adventures with family or friends, where freedom and comfort meet on the road!

I have capacity of 4 people traveling, sleeping, eating, and having a lot of fun. My owners will be available whenever you need.


Deposit (Managed directly by the owner): €900, payable at check-in in cash or by bank transfer.

  • NOTE 1: Part of the deposit amount (€400) will be refunded within a week at the latest, after a complete inspection of the motorhome

  • NOTE 2: any damaged equipment will be paid with the deposit amount. If there is an incident, the full amount of the deposit will be retained until the incident is resolved.

NOT allowed:

  • BabeVan to leave Portuguese territory (loss of insurance coverage and tenant held legally and financially liable for any consequences arising from geolocation not declared or prohibited by this contract)

  • smoking inside the BabeVan (€50 penalty)

  • pets (€50 penalty)

  • climbing on the roof

  • renting for/at festivals

BabeVan DELIVERY conditions:

  • fuel tank full

  • clean water tank full

  • grey and dirty water tank emptied

  • clean as received

otherwise, the following fees may be charged:

  • Unemptied WC cassette (dirty water) = €50

  • Unemptied grey water tank = €10

  • Unfilled clean water tank = €15

  • Exterior cleaning (traces on the bodywork, rims, windscreen, mirrors, carpets) not in accordance with the initial condition = €15

  • Interior cleaning (traces of use in the kitchen and bathroom, unswept floor, presence of residues, cleaning of the refrigerator and odors, mirrors) not in accordance with the initial condition = €80

BabeVan equipment:

COUNTER: 3-burner stove, refrigerator, freezer, and dishwasher (2 sinks)

 KITCHEN Kit: 4 plates, 6 bowls, 12 glasses, 4 mugs, 4 coffee cups, cutlery, 3 pots, 2 frying pans, 1 kettle, 1 trivet, 1 salad bowl, 1 dish drainer (base + detergent dispenser + cutlery drainer), 1 corkscrew, 1 stove lighter, 1 MOKA coffee maker (fine grind), 4 dishcloths, 2 tablecloths, 1 bread baskets, 1 citrus juicer, 4 tapawares

 BED Kit: 1 permanent bed (1.1m x 2m) with windows (rear) + 1 double tilting bed (above the driver's seats: 1.4m x 2m), 2 mattress protectors, 4 pillows with pillowcases, 2 light duvets with covers (sheets (20€) and towels (40€) to be provided under request)

 STORAGE Kit: hangers, 1 storage cabinet support with dividers and several spaces throughout the motorhome for more storage

 LIGHT Kit: 2 wires lighting 10 LED each (batteries)

 CLEANING Kit: mop, 2 microfiber cloths, dispenser with dishwashing detergent, dustpan with small broom, large broom, bucket and mop, specific cleaning products for motorhome plastics (WC), toilet tablets (corresponding to the rental days)

 CAMPING Kit: 1 table, 2 long seats, 2 chairs

 LAZER Kit: Long-board SKATE, Body-board, cards, funny games

 SECUTIRY Kit: Hydraulic kit for change tires, triangle, 2 reflector vests, first aid kit

WC with sink, chemical toilet, and shower // Hot water (Truma boiler) // Heating throughout the motorhome // AC in the driver's area // Extendable table and swivel seats // Windows with mosquito nets and blackout curtains // 2 Skylights (1 central and another in the rear bed, with fan) with mosquito nets and blackouts // Blackouts in the driver's cabin // Rear camera // USB ports // Power inverter (12v – 220v) //      Extendable awning (2m) // Hose and accessories (to fill the clean water tank) // Clean water tank (100L) and dirty water tank (100L) // 2 Solar panels and 2 batteries // Electrical extension to connect the motorhome to 220v // 6 Wheel leveler’s // Storage/Garage (exterior access on 2 sides): with space for bicycles and much more



Couchage 1
Lit transversal110x200 cm
Couchage 2
Lit pavillon140x200 cm


  • Douche intérieure
  • WC
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Nécessaire de ménage
  • Cafetière
  • Direction assistée
  • Camera de recul
  • GPS

Caractéristiques techniques

  • ModèleHymer FIAT DUCATO
  • Mise en circulation2001
  • PTAC3 500 kg
  • Hauteur3,5 m

Conditions de la location

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Voyage à l'étrangerNon autorisé
  • Permis de conduirePermis B
  • Animaux à bordNon autorisé
  • Véhicule fumeurNon autorisé
  • Dépassement kilométrique0.25 € par km supplémentaire


  • Règlement de la cautionGerée en direct par le propriétaire, virement, espèces
  • Montant900 €

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.

Lieu de prise en charge

Loures (2660), Portugal

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.


3 avis provenant d'une réservation vérifiée

MariaInscrit sur Yescapa depuis 2024

Olá, sou a BabeVan, um sonho realizado pelos meus donos. Sou uma autocaravana integral, com uma panorâmica incrível de 180º. Sou muito fácil de manobrar, sou superconfortável, e tenho tudo o necessário para vos proporcionar momentos maravilhosos. Sou excelente para aventuras em família ou com amigos, onde a liberdade e o conforto se encontram na estrada! Junt@s podemos criar memórias inesquecíveis, explorar locais e paisagens deslumbrantes, pelo nosso lindo Portugal. Tenho capacidade para 4 pessoas a viajar, dormir, comer, divertir-se e… sorrir muito. Aguardo pela vossa visita. ☺️ Os meus donos estarão disponíveis sempre que for necessário. Garantimos uma limpeza da autocaravana antes da entrega. NOTA: possibilidade de deixar veículo estacionado em zona tranquila. BabeVan equipada com: - BANCADA: Fogão c/ 3 bicos, frigorífico, congelador e lava-louça (2 pias) - Kit COZINHA: 4 pratos, 6 tigelas, 12 copos, 4 canecas, 4 chávena café, talheres, 3 tachos, 2 frigideiras, 1 fervedor, 1 bases p/ tacho, 1 travessa, 1 saladeira, 1 escorredor louça (base + doseador detergente + escorredor talheres), 1 saca-rolhas, 1 isqueiro para fogão, 1 cafeteira café MOKA (moagem fina), 4 panos louça, 2 toalhas de mesa, 2 cestos pão, 1 espremedor de citrinos, 4 tapawares - KIT CAMA: 1 cama permanente com janelas (parte traseira) + 1 cama dupla basculante (por cima dos assentos do condutor), 2 resguardos colchão, 6 almofadas c/ fronha, 2 edredões ligeiros c/ capa (não serão fornecidos lençóis, nem toalhas) - Kit ARRUMAÇÃO: cabides, 1 suporte de armário de arrumação c/ divisões e vários espaços ao longo da autocaravana para mais arrumação - Kit ILUMINAÇÃO: 2 fios iluminação 10 LED cada Interior (pilhas) - Kit LIMPEZA: esfregão, 2 panos microfibra, doseador c/ detergente louça, pá com vassoura pequena, vassoura grande, balde e esfregona, produtos limpeza específicos para plásticos de autocaravanas (WC), pastilhas sanita (correspondente aos dias de aluguer) - Kit CAMPISMO: 1 mesa, 2 bancos corridos, 2 cadeiras, 1 Barbecue (de pé) - Kit LAZER: SKATE Long-board, bicicleta dobrável, jogos de cartas, jogos de tabuleiro - Kit SEGURANÇA: Macaco, triângulo, 2 coletes, caixa primeiros socorros - WC com lavatório, sanita química e chuveiro separado - Água quente (Boiler Truma) - Aquecimento em toda a autocaravana - AC na zona condutor - Mesa extensível e bancos giratórios - Janelas com rede mosquiteira e cortinas blackouts - 2 Claraboias (1 central e outra na cama traseira, com ventoinha) com rede mosquiteira e blackouts - Blackouts no habitáculo de condução - Câmara traseira - Entradas USB - Inversor de corrente (12V – 220A) - Toldo extensível (2m) - Mangueira e acessórios (para atestar o depósito das águas limpas) - Reservatório de águas limpas (100L) e águas cinzentas (100L) - 2 Painéis solares e 2 baterias; - Extensão elétrica para ligar a autocaravana a 220V - 4 Niveladores de rodas; - Arrecadação/Garagem (acesso exterior em 2 lados): com espaço para bicicletas e muito mais Condições do proprietário: • Caução (gerida diretamente pelo proprietário): 900 €, pagos no check-in em dinheiro ou transferência bancária. - Parte do valor da caução (400€) será restituído, no máximo, na semana seguinte, após verificação completa da autocaravana • Não é autorizada a saída da BabeVan para fora do território português (perda da cobertura do seguro e locatário responsabilizado, legal e financeiramente, em caso qualquer consequência derivada da geolocalização não declarada ou proibida pelo presente contrato) • Quilómetros ultrapassados: 0,25 € por km adicional • Não é permitido fumar dentro da BabeVan (penalização em 50€ cada) • Não são permitidos animais de estimação (penalização em 50€) • Não é permitido subir ao tejadilho • Não é permitido o aluguer para/em festivais • A autocaravana deverá ser entregue, respeitando as seguintes condições: - limpa conforme foi recebida - depósito de combustível deverá estar cheio - depósito de águas limpas cheio - depósito de águas sujas descarregado caso contrário poderão ser cobradas as seguintes taxas: - Cassete WC não esvaziada (águas sujas) = 50€ - Tanque de águas cinzentas não esvaziado = 10€ - Tanque de água limpa não cheio = 15€ - Limpeza exterior (vestígios na carroçaria, jantes, para-brisas, espelhos, tapetes) não conforme o estado inicial = 15€ - Limpeza interior (vestígios de uso da cozinha e do WC, chão não varrido, presença de resíduos, limpeza do frigorífico e de cheiros, espelhos) não conforme ao estado inicial = 80€

  • Note globale
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Langues parléesAnglais, Espagnol, Portugais, Italien
  • Profil certifié

À propos de ce camping-car intégral



Propriétaire du véhicule

Hello, I'm BabeVan, a dream come true for my owners 😊

I’m a motorhome van with an incredible 180 degree panoramic. I‘m very easy to maneuver, I’m super comfortable, and I have everything necessary to give you wonderful moments. I'm excellent for adventures with family or friends, where freedom and comfort meet on the road!

I have capacity of 4 people traveling, sleeping, eating, and having a lot of fun. My owners will be available whenever you need.


Deposit (Managed directly by the owner): €900, payable at check-in in cash or by bank transfer.

  • NOTE 1: Part of the deposit amount (€400) will be refunded within a week at the latest, after a complete inspection of the motorhome

  • NOTE 2: any damaged equipment will be paid with the deposit amount. If there is an incident, the full amount of the deposit will be retained until the incident is resolved.

NOT allowed:

  • BabeVan to leave Portuguese territory (loss of insurance coverage and tenant held legally and financially liable for any consequences arising from geolocation not declared or prohibited by this contract)

  • smoking inside the BabeVan (€50 penalty)

  • pets (€50 penalty)

  • climbing on the roof

  • renting for/at festivals

BabeVan DELIVERY conditions:

  • fuel tank full

  • clean water tank full

  • grey and dirty water tank emptied

  • clean as received

otherwise, the following fees may be charged:

  • Unemptied WC cassette (dirty water) = €50

  • Unemptied grey water tank = €10

  • Unfilled clean water tank = €15

  • Exterior cleaning (traces on the bodywork, rims, windscreen, mirrors, carpets) not in accordance with the initial condition = €15

  • Interior cleaning (traces of use in the kitchen and bathroom, unswept floor, presence of residues, cleaning of the refrigerator and odors, mirrors) not in accordance with the initial condition = €80

BabeVan equipment:

COUNTER: 3-burner stove, refrigerator, freezer, and dishwasher (2 sinks)

 KITCHEN Kit: 4 plates, 6 bowls, 12 glasses, 4 mugs, 4 coffee cups, cutlery, 3 pots, 2 frying pans, 1 kettle, 1 trivet, 1 salad bowl, 1 dish drainer (base + detergent dispenser + cutlery drainer), 1 corkscrew, 1 stove lighter, 1 MOKA coffee maker (fine grind), 4 dishcloths, 2 tablecloths, 1 bread baskets, 1 citrus juicer, 4 tapawares

 BED Kit: 1 permanent bed (1.1m x 2m) with windows (rear) + 1 double tilting bed (above the driver's seats: 1.4m x 2m), 2 mattress protectors, 4 pillows with pillowcases, 2 light duvets with covers (sheets (20€) and towels (40€) to be provided under request)

 STORAGE Kit: hangers, 1 storage cabinet support with dividers and several spaces throughout the motorhome for more storage

 LIGHT Kit: 2 wires lighting 10 LED each (batteries)

 CLEANING Kit: mop, 2 microfiber cloths, dispenser with dishwashing detergent, dustpan with small broom, large broom, bucket and mop, specific cleaning products for motorhome plastics (WC), toilet tablets (corresponding to the rental days)

 CAMPING Kit: 1 table, 2 long seats, 2 chairs

 LAZER Kit: Long-board SKATE, Body-board, cards, funny games

 SECUTIRY Kit: Hydraulic kit for change tires, triangle, 2 reflector vests, first aid kit

WC with sink, chemical toilet, and shower // Hot water (Truma boiler) // Heating throughout the motorhome // AC in the driver's area // Extendable table and swivel seats // Windows with mosquito nets and blackout curtains // 2 Skylights (1 central and another in the rear bed, with fan) with mosquito nets and blackouts // Blackouts in the driver's cabin // Rear camera // USB ports // Power inverter (12v – 220v) //      Extendable awning (2m) // Hose and accessories (to fill the clean water tank) // Clean water tank (100L) and dirty water tank (100L) // 2 Solar panels and 2 batteries // Electrical extension to connect the motorhome to 220v // 6 Wheel leveler’s // Storage/Garage (exterior access on 2 sides): with space for bicycles and much more

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